Miss You Messages For Husband, “The days are long and the nights are longer without you by my side. My heart yearns for your touch, my dear husband.“
Miss You Messages For Husband
“You are the missing piece that completes me. I can’t wait to hold you close again, my love.”
“I’m incomplete without you, my love. Every second that ticks by feels like an eternity. Come home soon.”
“Even though we’re apart, my love for you grows stronger every day. I can’t wait to see you again, my darling husband.”
I know I’m sounding like a baby, but I just wanted to tell you that I miss you so much, husband. Plus, I love you.
I have gone to the doctor for this “missing you” disease I have. He prescribed me two hugs and one kiss three times daily from you. Now you have to provide me my medicine.
I miss you,

If I don’t hear from you in a single day, it feels like I have not talked to you in ages. Missing you so much. Where are you? Come to me, my man!
You know, there is a huge hole in my heart, and it can only be filled by the love you give me every day. So consider it an emergency and come over to me. I am in need of your love. I miss you so much.
I’m glad that you get to live your dreams; I’m just not ecstatic that it takes you away from me. I miss you plenty, babes.
Hey babe, I am missing you so much, and it’s been weeks since I have seen you. I hope everything is going well for you and that we can see each other soon.
Hey, give me a call when you get a chance. I’m feeling lonely without you.
I am so sorry that I forgot to call you last night. It’s just been a crazy day. Call me when you get a chance.
I Miss You My Husband
Thinking about you Is the most rοmantic and sheet feeling ever. Bυt waiting for Υou,
Τo come home Μakes me shed Μany a tear. Ι miss you my husband
“I cannot hold myself to miss you, I have no choice other than visiting the memory lane and enjoy our past moments that we spent together. I want to live with you in real, not in my dream. I miss you my dear.”
“I am not the same as I was when you are with me; now my smile fades color, my eyes full of tears and my arms search your hug. I am incomplete with you. Miss you.”
“No distance can make us apart, because our relationship is made by God. You are in my heart and your thought makes me smile and gives me the reason of life. I want to be with you always.”

“I wish to have you here with me to give me a tight hug and make me special. I wish to spend my each moment with you to enjoy the life. Love you and miss you.”
“I don’t need many things to express my feeling and the only thing I want say that I love you today and always. I don’t need more words to let you know my emotions being away from you; one thing I want to say I miss you with my heart.”
Εvery time you Αre away, Τhe family misses Ιts provider, Υour children miss Τheir father
Αnd I miss Μy soul mate
Ι frown when Ι start missing Υou but Τhen I start smiling ωhen I realize Τhat
Υou must be mιssing me too
You are the moonlight that illuminates and reflects the purity of my soul. You’re missed, my gorgeous man.
I’m longing for you hugs and kisses. I’m waiting for us to be together physically. I’m missing you a lot darling husband.
I am truly blessed to be your wife. We need to work for our living and be away for a few hours everyday. This saddens me as I miss you a lot my husband.
Being away from you takes away some joy as I miss you constantly. But the reason for missing is the love for each other. This love brings a sense of contentment and happiness.
No matter how far or near we are physically, my love for you never changes. Love you and miss you sweetheart husband.
I love to hug you. I just want to be in your arms, embraced. I feel safe when I’m with you. I am missing you my lovely husband.
I Miss You Hubby
Υou are not jυst my husband. Υour love is Τhe ray that lιghts up Μy life,
Αnd the water Τhat quenches my sοul’s thirst. Ι miss you my hubby
When we’re not together, my soul feels hollow. My heart feels numb, my emotions become shallow. Like a rainbow without colors, like poetry without rhyme… being away from you are my life’s darkest times. I miss you.
Please request your boss to put an extra chair on your desk so that I can come to your office and ward off stares from all your pretty colleagues. I miss you.
Table of Contents
I’m hurting from within, I feel so sad. I’m lost for words, I miss you real bad.
Every time you are away, the family misses its provider, your children miss their father and I miss my soul mate. xoxo
Watching the rain outside the window makes me feel like calling you back from work and snuggling up with you in a blanket while sipping on a hot cuppa. I miss you baby.
From dark Purples to dull Blues, my wοrld is immersed In the saddest οf hues,
when Ι am I missing you

I miss your messy hair, and the way you would just kiss my forehead when I came home late.
I know the distance can be hard, but I just wanted to tell you that it’s never going to take a toll on us. I love you, dear.
One of the best ways I know I love you is by the way my heart misses you when we are apart.
I know how much you are important to me because I miss you even when you go for your evening walks.
My love for you remains steadfast even when you are miles away. You are the best husband and will wait to be in your arms as long as I can.
I thought hugging you in the morning would ensure I miss you less during the day. But my thoughts were wrong, I already miss you, hope you will be coming soon.
I take the time to send you this message because I miss you. My heart yearns for you.
Your love for me is so vivid that I miss you the moment you leave the house.
“I want you to always bear in mind how much I love you. I know, it is not easy to build something being so far away, but not impossible to face. You are the best of my life and I will fight for our own. ”
Category: Romantic WhatsApp for husband
“You are like the waves of the sea that come and go constantly. I did not imagine that I could fall in love like that. Today, I intend to fight eternally for you. You’re the best of my life“.
Romantic Miss You Messages For Husband
I miss you more than words can say, more than I can express and more than thoughts can convey my sweet love.
You are the reason I have made it this far, your encouragements are divine, you have been there for me when I needed a push and now that you are not around, I wish I could just keep you just to myself. I really miss you, my love.
Sweet hubby, I need to let you know I am cold without your warmth. The cold season will soon multiply my loneliness. Hurry; I can’t wait to see you. Miss you dear.
Come walk with me on this path because we started out together, I know you are temporarily out of the way, but please do not stay long because I need your companion on this pathway. I truly miss you every step of the way.
“What a beautiful love it is the one that we have. I feel capable of everything for you, keep in mind that this feeling is unconditional; it does not understand reasons, much fewer borders. I love you“.

I never knew I would miss you this badly until you left. I miss you so much that I just wish I could have you for a second, so my heart can feel some relief. I miss you, my love.
Let everyone try to make me smile, they still won’t make me laugh carelessly as you would do. You alone know how to ignite me to laugh endlessly. I seriously miss you here, love.
“Poets use countless words to describe their pain, but I only need three: I miss you, Dearest Josephine
“Listen to the sunset; see its pretty hue. When you see it, think of me, and I’ll think of you.
“They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same, but I don’t think it’s possible for you to miss me as much as I’m missing you right now.”
“Whenever I miss you, I look at my heart. Because it’s the only place I can find you.
Miss U Hubby Status
“Wanting you to come back before anyone notices part of my world has not moved since you left.” —Brian Andreas
“First when I was apart from you, this world did not exist, nor any other. Second, whatever I was looking for was always you.” —Rumi
“Every second I live in a hope of meeting you again. I die every second in a fear of losing you.” —Shantanand Sharma
My eyes longed for you when they are closed so that you are the first thing they see when I open them. Miss you every second, honey.
When we can be together again is the worst question, and I hate to ask it you now and then. Miss you, my love. Meet me soon.
Cannot make the best of your day but missing you is the best thing I am doing right now. Love your everything, my sweet hubby, and I miss you too. Happy Birthday.
On this occasion of our anniversary, I would admit that the moments I invested in you, on missing you, and loving you are my best investments yet. Happy Anniversary love.
I miss you so much, it’s physically hurting me now. Come back home.

My life is empty without you. You are my whole world. I miss you.
Days would be much greater if we can pass it lying around together, reminiscing our love. Miss you, my dearest husband.
Time is vulgar to me, and I cannot even stay a second without you at any place. Is it okay to miss you this much, my dear?
From day to day, night to night, nothing gets better since you left. Every part of the house wants to feel you around, and I want to feel you lying right on my bosom. I miss you here, darling. Can’t wait to see you soon, my king.
Babe, you deserve this opportunity to shine; you’ve worked hard for it. And if distance is the price we get to pay, then so be it. I miss you, and I love you.
Every day I spend apart from you, just leaves me with this mighty expectation for when we’d reunite again. Gosh! I miss you, husband.