Happy Flirty Messages to Send to a Girl Quotes Flirting with you over text is always fun, but it makes it hard for me to lean in and kiss you.
Happy Flirty Messages to Send to a Girl Quotes
Here’s to hoping your day consists of green traffic lights, the fastest line at the supermarket and all the quickest routes that will bring you straight back into my arms.
I was thinking of you today, while I was doing some math problems, but there weren’t enough spaces on the calculator to work out how much I love you.
How many stars have you counted as you were falling from the sky, little angel? I have never seen such a graceful yet humble beauty. Can you teach me the language of angels? I promise to be the most grateful student.
“With you as an inspiration, a painter will create his best painting, a writer will write his best literature and a poet will create his best poetry.”
I just got some amazing news and you were the first person I wanted to tell.
Here’s to hoping your day consists of green traffic lights, the fastest line at the supermarket, and all the quickest routes that will bring you straight back into my arms.
I believe that every woman is special, and I believe that every woman deserves a gentleman. Well, I am the gentleman for you. I was born to take care of you and to love you.
God created the world in six days, rested on the seventh, but it took him thousands of years to produce someone as perfect as you.

I need to ask you a very deep, serious question, and your answer will have huge consequences for both of us… Thin-crust or deep-dish.
I can’t stop thinking about that amazing dinner we had. Let’s try a new place soon.
If Einstein was such a genius, why didn’t he invent a time machine so that he could travel to the future and come see you.
I may run out of flirty text messages to send to you, but my heart will never run out of space for you.
Please tell your parents that I’m sending them my sincerest gratitude for raising such a wonderful daughter.
I have a case of beer and a weekend off from work. The only thing missing is you.
I saw you looking at me, wondering if you should ask me out, so I thought I’d come over here and make it easy for you.
Here, can you hold this crystal? I’m trying to see if I was right about you having good energy.
Maybe we should take a workout class together so you won’t keep running through my mind.
“Your hands are very soft, I would like to hold them…… Your hair are so pretty, I would like to touch them…. You are so gorgeous, I would want to have you in my life for life.”
What kind of flirty texts are you looking
“There is something in your eyes which makes my heart melt. There is something in your love that I am ready to surrender myself.”
“You look kind of familiar to me…. Looks like we were in the same class and it was a chemistry class that brought us together.”
My mom told me not to talk to strangers online, but I’ll make an exception for you.
This is one of those flirty good morning text messages that make your partner crave for you more than ever. Use it and thank us later!
A classic example of humour combined with flirt, and just in the right manner. Use this text message and thank us later!
This one will make your partner blush like a teenager! You need to use this at the right time for it to be the most effective.

Good morning, gorgeous. May your day begin with a smile and with happiness for your soul to embrace.
Meet a new day, sweetheart! I promise to fill it with my unconditional love, hours of laughter and endless happiness!
Only a few things are priceless for me in this world. One of them is seeing your smile every morning.
Is your name Google? Because you’re everything I’ve been searching for.
I recommend asking this question when you want to bring up something interesting or important to talk about! It’s a great way to start the conversation off on an intriguing note.
The best time to send this message is first thing in the morning! She’ll love waking up to such a heartwarming message.
She’ll have your full attention and reply faster to your next message. Just make sure it’s worth the hype, and don’t follow up with a letdown of a message!
It’s always fun to flirt with you over texts. But alas, it makes it difficult for me to lean in and kiss you.
Flirty text messages to brighten up her day
The only thing that has a chance to improve my already beautiful day is you by my side.
If I ate a candy bar for every moment that I thought of you, I would have lost all my teeth by now.
I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.
If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!
If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.
If you were a song, you’d be the hottest single on Spotify.
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
“Forget everything that surrounds you. Think that there’s just you and me in this wide world.

“A girl’s legs are her best friends … but even the best of friends must part.
We should really stop texting and start seeing each other in person. Preferably naked.
No matter what you’re doing, a quick flirty message like this will make her stop and reply! So, if you’re itching for more messages from her, this is the flirty message to send! Acknowledging that you have things to do, but she’s the only one on your mind, will make her smile!
A flirty message like this one is another one best sent first thing in the morning. If you happen to send this before she wakes up, she’ll know she is the first thing on your mind!
Whether at work or running errands, sending her a message like this will light up her day no matter the time or how busy you two are!
I know the week just started, but I can’t wait until it’s over and I can see you again.
The best feeling in the world is knowing that you are mine, and I am yours. Every morning, that’s enough for me to have a great day.
Your energy is unmatched, your smile lights up a room. Never forget how special you are. Good morning!
Hoping you slept well. Hurry and wake up because my mornings are incomplete without you.
Romantic Flirty Quotes For Her
Missing you this morning, baby. I’m always the happiest and feel the safest when I wake up in your arms.
I just know I’m going to spend all day today thinking about you and being distracted. How can I get anything done when you’re in my mind all day?!
I had a dream we were sending some pretty naughty texts to each other. Imagine my disappointment when I woke up and realized we weren’t… yet.
Not only do you make me laugh, but you’re also like, seriously hot. You’re the whole package, and I can’t wait to see you next.
“Please never forget that the sun rises and sets with your smile. At least to me it does.”
Remember, even if you have been in a relationship with someone for a while, flirting will help you keep the spark burning.
Whether you’re single or in a committed relationship, these flirty quotes will add some extra romance to your life.
“I want you to love me. I want you to trust me enough to let me love you, and I want you to stay here with me so we can build a life together. That’s what I want.”
Morning, baby. I could barely sleep last night thinking about everything we’d be doing if you were here.

You never text first. I can’t tell if you hate me or if you’re playing hard to get.
“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me … everyday.”
God created the world in six days, rested on the seventh, but it took him thousands of years to produce someone as perfect as you.
Tired out. Been running around like a nutcase at work today. I’m too much of a perfectionist. I’m a perfectionist in most things I do. That’s why I like you so much.
God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, but it took him thousands of years to make someone as perfect and lovable as you.
“I just needed to be closer to you any way I could. Since then, you’ve distracted me every day whether you’re near me or not.”
“I wonder if you know how special you are; I wonder if you know how precious you are; I wonder if you know how lucky I am to have you in my life; I love you so much.”
I want your face to be the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning.
Morning! I woke up to the sun shining brightly through my window, and it reminded me of you.
Funny Flirty Quotes
Every morning I wake up, you motivate me to pursue my goals and become a better person. Thank you for being you. I love you.
Impatiently waiting for you to wake up so that I can officially start my day off right. Good morning, my love!
All I want for my lunch break is a picnic somewhere with you ideally with a tent and a sleeping bag built for two.
Here I was, comfortably numb, until you came along and woke me up. Now I want to wake up to you every day.
You make me want to rush home from work every single night, just cause I know you’re there.
You’ve definitely already caught me, but every single day you reel me in more and more.
“Your eyes are as beautiful as ocean and I will not mind drowning in them for life….. Please allow to drown in your eyes and the love in your eyes.”
“When I am in your arms, I am at the most secured place in this world. When I am holding your hand, I feel I am protected. Love you my dearest husband.”
“You are the reason my heart beats so fast….. You are the reason I go weak on my knees when you are around….. Happy Flirting Day to you.”

Are you a magician? It’s the strangest thing, but every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.
You need kissing badly. That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed, and often. And by someone who knows how.
I’ve had so many dirty thoughts about you today. Would you like to hear some of them.
This one is a bit on the cheesier end, especially for people who like it sweet. Trust us, this will be the cherry on the cake for your special one.
Next on the list of our flirty texts is the cliché shower text that never fails. Because you know what they say, old is gold!
Last, but not least, this text message makes your partner’s day way better. You must use this in crucial times when your partner is having not so good a day!
I can’t figure out if I should start this conversation with a compliment, a horrible pick-up line, or a simple “hello.” You choose.
So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come.
Since the time I’ve met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile all the more, just because I have you, my life is a better place.
You add a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine to this day-to-day routine we call life.
I often find myself looking at the stars and wondering if you are looking at them too.
I’m not usually a morning person, but I just woke up with a smile on my face because I was dreaming of you.
Flirty Texts to Say “Good Morning”
There are a lot of things that make no sense to me in this world. But the fact that you are still single is the biggest mystery of all.
Tonight’s going to be fun, but the part I’m looking forward to most is waking up next to you this time tomorrow.
Intelligent too, ooh, you’re my sweetheart. I’ve always liked my women book and street smart.
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
Morning sunshine! I didn’t press ‘snooze’ today because it would’ve meant another moment without speaking to you.
I need you more than I need my coffee in the morning, but the coffee will have to do for now. Can’t wait to see you later!
I hope your day rocks as much as you do. Thanks for being the best partner a person could ask for.
Forgive me for being super cheesy, but when I wake up, you’re the first person I think about each day.
What is one thing you’ve always fantasized about doing in bed? Let me make that happen for you tonight.
I can’t stop thinking about how amazing you looked last night. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.
I love talking to you. Nothing is off-limits or awkward. You’re every bit as good at challenging me as you are at listening.

It’s a good thing we don’t work together. I’d get nothing done. I’m already having a hard time not thinking about what I want to do with you.
Just the thought of you is enough to make me smile in the middle of whatever I’m doing.
Something’s wrong with my eyes because I can’t take them off of you.
When I send your picture to my group chat, which pic do you want me to use?
I’m lucky because I have plans for today, for tomorrow, for the week, and for my whole life—to make you happy.
People I know call me different names, I don’t care what they use. But with you, I’d prefer if you call me mine.
I don’t think about very many things, and I don’t think for very long, but when I do think, it invariably tends to be about you.
Tell me your celebrity crush, and I will give you ten reasons why you would look better with me.
I think we should take this back to my place so you can see where you’ll be staying for the next few months.
My friends and I saw you and wondered if you were into the idea of a first date as much as I am.
I saw you looking at me, wondering if you should ask me out, so I thought I’d come over here and make it easy for you.
This email is a group message being sent from our company to all 10/10 beauties in your area. Currently, you are the only recipient.
I don’t think about very many things, and I don’t think for very long, but when I do think, it invariably tends to be about you.