100+Happy World Papulation Day Quotes

Happy World Papulation Day Quotes “Every state has the primary duty to protect its own population from grave and sustained violations of human rights, as well as from the consequences of humanitarian crises, whether natural or man-made.”

Happy World Papulation Day Quotes

“Protecting children at risk of exploitation will always be a priority, and at the other end, safeguarding an ageing population brings its own challenges.”

To that end, as we mark World Population Day this year, the importance of collecting inclusive data – counting everyone, everywhere, as they are takes the spotlight.

In an increasingly unpredictable world with rapid population growth in some places, rapid ageing in others, and climate change, conflict and crises everywhere reliable population data are more important than ever, and must be used to reach and respond to the needs of those who have been left behind.

A controlled population will help us in living a healthy and sustainable life.

Theme for World Population Day “Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities”.

World Papulation Day

needs of individuals more sustainably. The policymakers must recognize the people living on the planet in demography, their age, and the death and birth pattern.

Population growth due to people surviving to reproductive age, major changes in fertility rates, urbanization, and migration.

Save the earth from over-exploitation caused by overpopulation.

Overpopulation is the overload on the planet; let’s pledge to reduce the load.

An often unrecognized hero, reliable data have helped drive global advancements in women’s access to reproductive care, reductions in maternal death and improvements in gender equality.

The problem of the growing food shortage cannot be solved without in many cases a simultaneous effort to moderate population growth.

We cannot confront the massive challenges of poverty, hunger, disease, and environmental destruction unless we address issues of population and reproductive health.

The strongest witness is the vast population of the Earth to which we are a burden and she scarcely can provide for our needs.

“Population growth and development place additional stress on the Nation’s water infrastructure and its ability to sustain hard-won water quality gains.”

World Population Day Slogans

“As a woman leader, I thought I brought a different kind of leadership. I was interested in women’s issues, in bringing down the population growth rate… as a woman, I entered politics with an additional dimension that of a mother.”

Give your friend advice on their anniversary to follow the family planning trend.

Times are gone when we could relax and take it easy…. It is time to act and act strongly to control the growth of the population to help our coming generations.

“There are limited resources and limited land but then there is population that is growing beyond limits. Happy World Population Day to you.”

When the family is small whatever little they have they are able to share, there are peace and love. Don’t overpopulate. Best wishes on this World Population Day.

Stabilize the population and take steps towards creating sustainable earth on this day. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.

Times are gone when we could relax and take it easy. It is time to act and act strongly to control the growth of the population to help our coming generations.

World Papulation Day

We celebrate 11th July as World Population Day to get the attention of each and every person on one of the most serious issues that is affecting the lives of each and every person on the planet…. Let’s save Earth by controlling population.

Times are gone when we could relax and take it easy…. It is time to act and act strong to control the growth of population to help our coming generations.

We have been gifted with a beautiful world and the onus to protect it and pass it on to the coming generations lies on our shoulders…. So let us control the rising population to make it a better place to live.

“We all deserve fresh air to breathe, enough land to live and healthy food to eat but this is not possible without controlling our growing population. Warm wishes on World Population Day.”

Spread awareness about unwanted pregnancies, early childbirth and pregnancy related diseases and dangers.

Raise awareness about Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs), its consequences and other such infections.

Social media In a world where millions of people have access to social media, people use the power and spread awareness. This is often done by posting quotes on World Population Day and sharing creative slogan for World Population Day.

“If we want to save this world then we must control the progressive graph of increasing population. Happy World Population Day.”

If check on population is missing, it becomes an alarming situation as then it begins to grow with geometric progression. On World Population Day, let us aim to be more aware.

We need to decrease the growth rate of our global population, our mother earth can’t support anymore. Best wishes on this World Population Day.

World Population Day Messages

Today, on the occasion of World Population Day, we must understand the need of stabilizing the population in order to live a healthy and harmonious life with lesser problems and more peace.

“The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man”: Thomas Malthus.

Celebrations of World Population are incomplete without understanding the importance of educating each person on the planet to tell him the need for controlling the population for a better tomorrow….. Warm wishes to you on World Population Day.

Sending warm wishes on International Youth Day! May your voices be heard and your ideas be valued as you continue to make a difference.

Happy International Youth Day! May your passion and drive continue to inspire and create positive change in the world.

World Papulation Day

“Warm greetings on World Population Day! Let’s work hand in hand to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.”

When the family is small whatever little they have they are able to share, there are peace and love. Don’t overpopulate. Best wishes on this World Population Day.

Take care of the children that we already have instead of increasing the population. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.

We need to decrease the growth rate of our global population, our mother earth can’t support anymore. Best wishes on this World Population Day.

“Population growth and development place additional stress on the Earth’s ecosystems and resources.”

“Happy World Population Day! Together, we can make a difference and build a better world for future generations.”

To all the amazing young people out there, may this International Youth Day remind you of your incredible potential and the impact you can make.

Overpopulation is the definition of being forced by others or focusing on others to live with people they don’t want. Control the global population and celebrate World Population Day.

“Almost half of the population of the world lives in rural regions and mostly in a state of poverty. Such inequalities in human development have been one of the primary reasons for unrest and, in some parts of the world, even violence.”

World Population Day Posters

Our mother earth can’t feed so many people. Control the global population for our nature’s sake and celebrate this Day. Best wishes on World Population Day.

Our earth is in danger of overpopulation, control the population and save the earth.

“A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts.”

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.”

“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”

Overpopulation is more dangerous than an atom bomb that will surely burst in the future.

World Papulation Day

“Almost half of the population of the world lives in rural regions and mostly in a state of poverty. Such inequalities in human development have been one of the primary reasons for unrest and, in some parts of the world, even violence.”

On the occasion of World Population Day, here are some of the wishes, quotes, and messages that you can share with your friends, or share on your social media handles to raise awareness.

Without a significant slowing of population growth, we face irreversible degradation of the natural environment and continued poverty for much of the world.

On this International Youth Day, may you have the courage to chase your dreams and the strength to overcome any challenges you face.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

The United Nations decided the theme of World Population Day as “Leave No One Behind, Count Everyone,” for ‘World Population Day’ in the year . As the theme implies, there are currently 8 billion people on the planet, but not all of them have equal opportunities and rights.

China is the highest population country with billion and India is second highest with billion.

World population day is celebrated at the international level by combining a variety of activities and events to draw the attention of masses to work together on the issues of the growing population. There are main issues such as, how we can control the population and how we can stop population explosion in certain territories.

Happy International Youth Day ! Celebrate your achievements and keep striving for excellence in all that you do.

World Population Day History

“Population growth and development place additional stress on the Nation’s water infrastructure and its ability to sustain hard-won water quality gains.”

“Sending thoughtful greetings on World Population Day. Let’s commit to making informed choices for a balanced global population.”

“The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.”

It is our duty to save the planet. Manage global population and help the planet to grow and be safe and healthy. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.

Rapid population growth is a sign of our ignorance and careless towards our coming generations. Let us be more responsible on the occasion of World Population Day.

On this occasion of World Population Day instead of controlling the growth of every other species let us pledge to control the growth of our own. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.

World Papulation Day

“Wishing you a meaningful World Population Day. May we all take steps to promote family planning and environmental sustainability.”

It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to work towards controlling the population to make world a better place to live for our children and our grandchildren.

Let us celebrate World Population Day by promising ourselves to be more responsible towards the alarming rate of growing population. Let us work to make this planet a better place.

World is like a big family and the onus of saving it from growing population lies on each one of us….. On the occasion of World Population Day, let us come together and fight against one of the biggest causes affecting us.

On the occasion of World Population Day, here are some of the wishes, quotes, and messages that you can share with your friends, or share on your social media handles to raise awareness.

The day, which seeks to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues, was established by the then-Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in.

The main objective of this day is to increase individuals’ awareness of several issues related to the global population. This includes poverty, gender inequality, family planning, human rights, and maternal health.

“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”

World Population Day Significance

“No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.”

“…this International Women’s Day, allow me to share what I’ve learned. You don’t need to be ‘one of the guys.’ You are strong, brave, and destined to lead. Own it.”

“World Population Day gives us an opportunity to highlight the need to advance gender equality to help realize the dreams of all 8 billion of us on our planet,” United Nations said.

On this day we must pledge to control our population to ensure the survival of the environment instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population. Best wishes in this World Population Day.

On this occasion of World Population Day instead of controlling the growth of every other species let us pledge to control the growth of our own. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.

World Papulation Day

We need to decrease the growth rate of our global population, our mother earth can’t support anymore. Best wishes on this World Population Day.

Schools In schools, children are taught about the significance of this day, followed by World Population Day activities. Students are asked to creatively think and make slogan on World Population Day, draw paintings and more.

Provide friendly, non-judgmental and enough reproductive health services specialists to guide men, women, and couples.

Organizations Many non-profit organizations and other institutions do volunteer work by reaching out to the people that lack primary education, to educate them. This sometimes also includes physically visiting sites, talking to people, educating them about over-population, spreading sexual awareness, and more.

Our natural resources are limited but our population ever so growing. Populate the planet with trees and lots of love. Happy World Population Day!

losing our eyes towards the problem of population will not eradicate it. It is time and we must act now to secure our present and our future.

On this occasion of World Population Day, instead of controlling the growth of every other species let us pledge to control the growth of our own. Wish you a very happy World Population Day!

It’s time to be aware of the perils of overpopulation. Let’s spread awareness on the impact of population over natural resources and ways to control it.

It has gained momentum over the years as a means to create awareness and initiate dialogue on challenges related to population.

A peaceful world cannot exist when only one-third are rich and two-thirds go hungry. So, control the population and stop overcrowding. Best wishes on World Population Day.

Be responsible, save nature. Control population growth and ensure a healthy planet. Celebrate World Population Day and raise awareness.

The world is finite. For everybody in the world to have the same lifestyle that we [in the West] have now, at only six billion people, would take four additional Earths.

“Times are gone when we could relax and take it easy. It is time to act and act strongly to control the growth of the population to help our coming generations.”

“Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.”

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