Happy World Sickle Cell Awarenss Day Quotes On the occasion of World Sickle Cell Awareness Day, let us research about this disease which is known to be one of the most common genetic blood disorders.
Happy World Sickle Cell Awarenss Day Quotes
“When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter to their life story that shows them overcoming the hardship.”
“If you expect life to be easy, challenges will seem difficult. If you accept that challenges may occur, life will be easier.”
In the dark, your voice provides the directions onward. In the darkness, your heart lights the path out. In the depth of darkness, your love answers the call and rings the bell of truth and honor.
There will always be events in your life that are memorable. Yet, it is the day-to-day events, the mundane the usual the everyday times that will add-on and build your life, happiness, and success. Every day, every hour, every minute, they all matter.
When I say I love you, I mean it so much. When I say I care for you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. When I do most things in my life that requires me to think deeply, you are always part of that deep thought, you really are part of the fabric of my life.
We can save more and more lives to SCD by spreading more and more awareness about it. Wishing everyone on World Sickle Cell Awareness Day.

Warm wishes on World Sickle Cell Awareness Day to everyone. This is a genetic blood disorder that affects a large number of people and therefore, we must know about it.
“Those who don’t know how to suffer are the worst off. There are times when the only correct thing we can do is to bear out troubles until a better day.”
“What makes people resilient is the ability to find humour and irony in situations that would otherwise overpower you.”
“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”
In honor of World Sickle Cell Day, let’s stand together and fight for better treatments and a cure. You are not alone!
Sickle cell disease is a group of diseases that hurt haemoglobin, which is a chemical in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all of the body’s cells.
In order for the parents to be able to pass the disease on to their children, they must also be sick. Other things that could cause sickle cell anaemia are a virus infection or damage to the bone marrow.
The mushy, sponge-like tissue that is filled with many blood veins and can be found in the middle of most bones.
“The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about.”
World Sickle Cell Awareness Day Significance
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
On World Sickle Cell Day, we celebrate the resilience of those living with this disease and raise awareness for a brighter future.
“The discovery by Dr. Itano of the abnormal human hemoglobins has thrown much light on the problem of the nature of the hereditary hemolytic anemias, and has changed these diseases from the status of poorly understood and poorly characterized diseases into that of well understood and well characterized diseases”
An enriched diet and companionship can decrease pain in mice with sickle cell disease by boosting serotonin, said researchers.
Desvelou-se que, para a mãe, o vivido significa relembrar o diagnóstico da doença que teve grande impacto. Os cuidados são entrados nessas mulheres, e as sequelas do acidente vascular encefálico são motivos de sofrimento. Nesse caminhar, buscam educar os filhos o mais próximo possível do normal.
To unveil the experience of mothers of children who had a cerebrovascular accident due to sickle cell disease.

The study revealed that, for the mother, the experience means remembering the diagnosis of the disease that had a significant impact. These women are in the center of care, and the consequences of stroke cause suffering. In this wandering, they seek to educate their children as close as possible to normal.
World Sickle Cell Day is commemorated every year on June 19 to promote global awareness of sickle cell disease and emphasize resources concerning emergency management of the disease.
‘World Sickle Cell Day is observed annually on June 19 to increase global awareness, knowledge and understanding of sickle cell disease and the sufferings faced by the affected patients.’
Hemolytic anemia, also known as hemolysis, is a condition where the destruction of red blood cells outpaces its production. It occurs both in infants and adults.
“It appears, therefore, that while some of the details of this picture of the sickling process are as yet conjectural, the proposed mechanism is consistent with experimental observations at hand and offers a chemical and physical basis for many of them. Furthermore, if it is correct, it supplies a direct link between the existence of “defective” hemoglobin molecules and the pathological consequences of sickle cell disease.”
SCDs are known as inherited blood disorders that are passed down from parents to their children. The affected genes may differ from one patient to another. These are the following types of SCDs.
In this type of SCD, the patient inherits one defective gene of haemoglobin S and one normal haemoglobin A from their parents. Such patients usually lead a normal life but their defective genes can be passed to their children.
In this type of SCD, the patients inherit a defective gene haemoglobin S and another defective gene called haemoglobin C. This type of SCD is seen in patients of African descent. This type of SCD can lead to adverse consequences for the eyes and bones.
“The meetings at Stanford…were very interesting. There were lots of times when people wanted to know what Pauling would say about different things, so [John] Edsall and I had to speak for you, taking of course, a fair amount of the credit.”
History of World Sickle Cell Day
The best way to have patients deal with SCD is by helping them learn how they can fight it in the most suitable way. Happy World Sickle Cell Awareness Day.
As you get older in life, it’s better to be in pain than to rust, to overuse than not to use; just keep exercising and accept the mainly positive consequences.
Being physically fit is a choice. Exercise your brain, heart, and body. Do it for your whole life-wellness.
I loved you yesterday. I love you now, today. I will love you the next day, tomorrow; a promise, as will the sun also rise in the morning.
The international day was adopted as a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly on 22nd December 2008 to recognize sickle cell disease as a public health problem and `one of the world’s foremost genetic diseases’. Following this, it was celebrated for the first time on 19th June 2009.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder that affects red blood cells. India is the third highest prevalence SCD in the world.
Although there could be any evidence of a few sickle-shaped cells present under specific conditions, it must be understood that the trait at it is not a disease; nevertheless, considerations must be made when intending to have children.

A simple blood test can detect sickle cell disorder. It is frequently performed during normal newborn screening examinations at the hospital. Furthermore, sickle cell disorder can be detected when the kid is still in the womb.
If both spouses partners carry the trait, there is a 25% risk that any child conceived will be affected by sickle cell disorder and a 50% chance of carrying the trait.
Symptoms of the condition usually start to show up at 5 months, and they get difficult over time. Some of the most common signs are pain, frequent infections, swelling in the hands and feet, and trouble seeing.
As per medical experts, the only treatment that has been shown to work is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant.
If there is a history of sickle cell disease in the family, it might be possible to find out if the mother is at risk of passing it on to the child while the mother is pregnant.
In this regard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also launched a Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC) program in California to aid the affected patients to seek disease care. The global day invites everyone to join the community in the fight against the disease.
Warm greetings on the occasion of World Sickle Cell Awareness Day. This day calls for educating everyone about this disease and the challenges it poses to the patients.
By becoming a blood donor or bone marrow donor, you can help a patient out there. Wishing everyone on World Sickle Cell Awareness Day.
“That’s how severe the pain can be,” Dr. Johnson says. “We don’t want kids to suffer…we don’t want adults to suffer. So right now, we use what we have to use.”
World Sickle Cell Day Messages and Wishes
Qualitative, phenomenological research based on Martin Heidegger’s philosophical framework. Ten mothers participated in the Association of People with Sickle Cell Disease of Minas Gerais. For the interpretative analysis of the reports, we performed the vague and medium understanding followed by hermeneutics.
o estudo apontou que devemos olhar para essas mães buscando enxergar as múltiplas facetas do seu existir para o desafio de cuidar diante da complexidade existencial do ser humano.
The study pointed out that we should look at these mothers seeking to see the multiple facets of their existence to the challenge of caring for the existential complexity of the human being.
Common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can be used to manage some of the pain, but if it worsens into a crisis situation, SCD patients may need stronger forms, such as morphine or Dilaudid.
A severe “pain crisis” is what typically brings SCD patients to the Emergency Department, Dr. Johnson says, and it’s also the most common reason for hospitalization. On average, SCD patients are hospitalized up to five to seven days after an episode.
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

Listen to your body, examine what it responds to and what harms it, then let this inform your life choices. This ensures you create a safe environment for your body as much as you can control, anyway.
I’m grateful for all of the friends I’ve had over the years who’ve helped to make my life the movie that it is despite me having sickle cell.
I’m grateful for my siblings, whose life experiences were limited as a result of my diagnosis. We never went on holidays as children because my parents were worried about me falling ill overseas. I’m grateful that my siblings have been understanding, and that no resentment has built up during all of these years, despite the inconvenience my illness may have caused them.
This is known to be the most common SCD. This happens when a patient inherits two genes for haemoglobin S, one from each parent. The Red Blood Cell becomes sickle-shaped. This is known to be the most severe form of SCD.
The patients are followed up with treatment and support under the National Health Mission (NHM) with capsule hydroxyurea and free blood transfusion for all Sickle cell patients (men & women) as per State’s proposal, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) said in this report.
There are rare types of SCDs that include HbSD, HbSE, and HbSO. In these types, the patient inherits a defective gene haemoglobin S from one parent and another defective gene haemoglobin D, E or O from the other parent.
We had no control over our diagnosis, and for the most part, we have no control over when a sickle cell crisis chooses to attack us. But we can control how we view and approach life. We can control the ways in which we choose to make our lives more positive.
I’d encourage all to do this in addition to identifying the positive things and experiences your body responds to. Be equally motivated to use this information to build an enjoyable life experience for yourself.
“Confidence, courage and determined spirit are vital for surviving hard times.”
“Nobody looks good in their darkest hour. But it’s those hours that make us what we are. We stand strong, or we cower. We emerge victorious, tempered by our trials, or fractured by a permanent damning fault line.”
World Sickle Cell Day Celebrated
“What makes people resilient is the ability to find humour and irony in situations that would otherwise overpower you.”
Getting a hemoglobin test, which will indicate whether you carry the sickle cell gene and allow you to plan your family accordingly.
I’m vehemently opposed to using one’s career or job title as the basis of identity, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t include how grateful I am to have a career, a good salary, an understanding employer, and the excellent reputation I have at my workplace, despite my excessive sick leave sick days in the past four years!
With this diagnosis in mind, my parents decided to stay in the U.K., hoping I’d have a longer life span than if we had returned to Nigeria.
“When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter to their life story that shows them overcoming the hardship.”
“One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.”

“Dr. Charles Coryell, who has worked on the metallurgy project at the University of Chicago for a couple of years, received his training here, and then became Assistant Professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, is an extremely able young inorganic and physical chemist, with a great amount of energy. I recommend him most highly.”
The newborn infants should be tested for sickle cell disease within 24–48 hours of birth; a positive screening test may indicate the possibility of the condition; nevertheless, additional tests are necessary to confirm it.
If the screening tests for sickle cell were not done during infancy, they could be well performed in adulthood. Both spouses/partners must take part in the tests before pregnancy to understand the disease status.
“On the basis of the information available to me, I have formed the opinion that oxypolygelatin solution…may well be a thoroughly satisfactory blood substitute, which could be manufactured cheaply in large quantities. It is probably superior to gelatin itself with respect to fluidity of solution, retention in blood stream, and osmotic pressure.”
“I am very sorry you were not here during Warren [Weaver]’s visit because you started it all and are certainly the one responsible for getting Chemistry and Biology in a position where there’s a good chance of collecting some nice blue chips.”
“Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition such as lifting weights we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.”
“One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.”
Sickle cell trait is passed down when only one of a child’s parents has passed on the sickle gene, and it does not progress to sickle cell disease.