100+Happy World Hydrography Day Quotes

Happy World Hydrography Day Quotes Hydrographic surveys provide the data that is used to create nautical charts. These charts are essential for safe navigation.

Happy World Hydrography Day Quotes

The International Hydrographic Bureau was founded in 1921 with the goal of providing a forum for states to confer on issues such as safe navigation, technical standards, and the conservation of the maritime environment.

World Hydrography Day is celebrated every year on 21st June to raise awareness about the importance of hydrography, safe navigation, and protection of the marine environment.

Many of us may not even know about hydrography and its importance and that is what we need to put end on. Happy World Hydrography Day.

We need to understand the importance of hydrography as we need to be aware of our planet. Warm wishes on the occasion of World Hydrography Day to everyone.

On this world hydrography day, let us all admire the work of IHO and let us all celebrate this day by getting to know more about their work. A happy World Hydrography Day from my side.

World Hydrography Day

On this beautiful day let us take this moment to look into our Earth’s resources. A pleased hydrography day to everyone celebrating. I wish on this great day we could make our best effort to support this great day. We wish everyone a Happy Hydrography Day.

The IHO is responsible for developing and maintaining the standards for hydrographic surveys and for publishing nautical charts and other hydrographic products.

Considering the ongoing advancements in navigation, such as e-navigation, autonomous shipping, and emission reductions, which are driving a significant evolution in hydrographic services, and amidst the increasing demand for digital data, The IHO is committed to.

Establish standards, specifications, and guidelines in data assurance, including cybersecurity and data quality assessment.

Hydrography is an applied science, which focuses on the calculation and definition, for the primary purposes of the protection of navigation and in support of all other maritime activities including economic growth, security and defense, scientific studies, and other physics of the oceans, seas, coasts, rivers, lakes, and rivers.

On this World Hydrography day, let us all have a good time by getting to know more about our mother Earth. I wish you a very Happy Hydrography day.

World Hydrography Day Celebrated

Develop standards for hydrographic data and product specifications; support their ongoing production; and coordinate regional and global services for their distribution.

Watch documentary: Television programmes that explore the extraordinary elements of our planet are frequently released by National Geographic and Discovery.

If you are not afraid of the sea, you can visit a hydrographic station and join the crew on an expedition. Study the underwater topography of the surface beneath the ocean with hydrographers.

Attend lecture: Since the purpose of the day is to appreciate the works of hydrographers, you might choose to do so by going to a lecture that the hydrographer has arranged. Do not forget to take notes.

It is crucial to comprehend the ocean’s undersea surface. It aids in the prediction of underwater currents and marine patterns by geologists. Furthermore, it aids in ascertaining the temperatures and mineral composition beneath the surface.

New developments helped create new inventions such as the SONAR or the device that the ships and submarines use to identify the existence of underwater land masses.

World Hydrography Day

We have developed sonar and other ship and submarine navigation systems thanks to hydrography. Who knows, maybe future advancements can help establish human undersea colonies.

The Member States of the International Hydrographic Organization decide a theme for each World Hydrography Day to promote the importance of international hydrography, multilateral cooperation, and effective collaboration in data exchange, charting, and development of standards.

World Hydrography Day is being observed today (Wednesday), to raise awareness about its contribution to safety and sustainability of maritime navigation and related activities.

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi in his message stressed need of joint efforts by all maritime stakeholders to advance hydrographic activities.

In a statement on the occasion, Pakistan Navy has reiterated its commitment towards continued support to ensuring sustainable economic activities in the maritime sector.

Any content that Member States generate in support of their national WHD 2023 celebrations and want to share on one of these channels should be sent to the Secretariat. Instead, participants can share their work on their own social media accounts and tag the IHO in the post. #WorldHydrographyDay, or #WHD, is a suggested hashtag.

Happy World Hydrography Day to everyone. Let us thank the hydrographers for keeping us updated with our mother Earth on regular basis.

Everything on this earth is bought and sold, except air and water, and they would be if a kind Creator had not made the supply too grate for the demand.

If you are not afraid of the sea, you could like to visit a hydrographic station and join the crew on an expedition. Study the underwater topography of the surface beneath the ocean with hydrographers.

We have developed sonar and other ship and submarine navigation systems thanks to hydrography. Who knows, maybe future advancements can help establish human undersea colonies.

World Hydrography Day Messages and Wishes

To save the Hammamet beach, one of Tunisia’s worst-affected according to the World Bank, authorities last month began trucking in around 750 lorry loads filled with sand from the inland desert province of Kairouan, about 110 kilometres away.

Tunisia has already lost more than 90 kilometres of beaches to erosion, according to official figures from last year.

“We must take back our beach that the sea has swallowed,” she said, calling for a balance between safeguarding the landscape, cherished by locals and foreign visitors alike, and fighting coastal erosion.

The surprise finding has many potential implications and could even require rethinking how life first began on Earth, the researchers behind a new study said on Monday.

In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries.

World Hydrography Day

It had been thought that only living things such as plants and algae were capable of producing oxygen via photosynthesis — which requires sunlight.

Idaho’s water management system, in southern Idaho at least, long has tended to be cooperative, with interested parties usually more willing to talk than insistent on fighting. The state has been the beneficiary of that for decades.

The problem may not be insoluble. Water conservation – which some elements of Idaho water law doesn’t always encourage – may be one of the options. Finding other new efficiencies or reuse of runoff water might be considerations. Some good engineers are at work on this.

The core conundrum, though, remains: If everyone uses the water they need for their operations, the aquifer likely would be drawn down, maybe to dangerous levels. That’s why the Department of Water Resources acted in the first place.

Ricky Gray, a spokesman for the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, said the rains came too late to do much good for commodity farmers.

Both facilities have applied for permit modifications to allow them to continue to operate if low-flow conditions occur again.

Recent rains have been welcome relief from a long summer of drought that had some industries worrying that low-flow conditions could affect their ability to withdraw water for operations. But the rains didn’t come soon enough to help most farmers.

Television programs that explore the extraordinary elements of our planet are frequently released by National Geographic and Discovery. You would astounded by what these documentaries uncover.

On this beautiful day let us take this moment to look into our Earth’s resources. A pleased hydrography day to everyone celebrating.

History of World Hydrography Day

On the occasion of World Hydrography Day, let us learn something more about this science which helps us understand and know our planet in a better way.

The first World Hydrography Day was celebrated in 2006. Since then, the day has been celebrated by hydrographers and other ocean professionals around the world.

Hydrographic surveys provide the data that is used to create nautical charts. These charts are essential for safe navigation.

To conclude, World Hydrography Day is a reminder of the importance of hydrography in our world. Hydrographers play a vital role in keeping us safe, protecting our environment, and managing our resources. This day is celebrated to mark their dedication to their work and thank them to keep resources safe.

As well as being World Hydrography Day, this is also the first Hydrography Day in the Republic of Korea. I wish to congratulate the organizers on this important initiative, which coincides with new national legislation on Hydrographic Survey and Oceanographic Observations and the Use of Ocean Information.

On this World Hydrography Day, I am delighted to send this brief video message to the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency.

World Hydrography Day

At the end of a long road to ballot qualification, Idaoans will get to decide whether all the voters or only a tiny sliver of them, will pick the leaders of its government going forward.

That’s the core of what’s really a simple proposition. There is no lack of efforts to confuse and distract, of course, from what the open primaries initiative actually would do; confusion and distraction are just about the best tools the opposition has.

For example, this from an op-ed by Morgan McGill of the Idaho Family Policy Center Through open primaries, Democrats will slowly take greater control over Gem State politics as they build a coalition with more moderate or ‘squishy’ Republican candidates that can flip seats historically held by more conservative Republican candidates.”

The International Seabed Authority has established an excellent working relationship with the Republic of Korea on many different issues relating to the law of the sea, marine science and deep sea exploration. We also have a close working relationship with the International Hydrographic Organization, and we fully recognize the critical importance of hydrographic survey and bathymetric data to obtaining a sound scientific understanding of the ocean.

Only two cities in the state, Jackson and Tupelo, rely on surface water sources for drinking water. Branch said they aren’t experiencing any problems due to the drought, and no problems are anticipated.

“The rain did more damage than good especially for cotton and soybeans,” Gray said. “It made it too wet to harvest, and could have some impact on quality of the cotton fiber.”

“We’re moving to have a permit modification,” Branch said. “This is just a precaution that would allow them to operate if they so need to.”

Best Hydrography Day Messages

I very much welcome the interest of the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency in the work of ISA and can assure you that we are ready to discuss future cooperation to create greater awareness of the importance of sharing of bathymetric and oceanographic data.

It is crucial to comprehend the ocean’s undersea surface. It aids in the prediction of underwater currents and marine patterns by geologists. Furthermore, it aids in ascertaining the temperatures and mineral composition beneath the surface.

As the hydrographers embarked on such studies, and with naval offices set for this task, information collected, and better charts prepared. This not only made navigation easy and reliable but also assisted researchers and hydrographers in developing better ways for ocean surveys.

Nothing known about Atlantis. Since it only this year that we learned that New Zealand a portion of an eighth continent that submerged in the Pacific Ocean, perhaps. With more development, we will able to find the remnants of this advanced territory.

World Hydrography Day is June 21st. Its purpose is to increase public awareness of hydrography and its contribution to our understanding of the seas and oceans.

World Hydrography Day

Tunisia’s coastline has been a major asset for the Mediterranean country with a struggling economy, as it aims to host some 10 million tourists this year.

Tourism accounts for up to 14 percent of the country’s GDP, providing tens of thousands of jobs in a country where unemployment tops 16 percent and 40 percent among young people.

Tunisia’s environmental groups, as well as the government’s Coastal Protection and Development Agency (APAL), blame the rapid erosion mostly on human activity and construction on the coast, which they say is further aggravated by climate change.

Nothing known about Atlantis. Since it only this year that we learned that New Zealand a portion of an eighth continent that submerged in the Pacific Ocean, perhaps. With more development, we will able to find the remnants of this advanced territory.

Since the purpose of the day is to appreciate the works of hydrographers, you might choose to do so by going to a lecture that the hydrographer has arranged. Do not forget to take a ton of notes.

This post includes the collection of Happy World Hydrography Day messages and wishes that make a perfect share on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

There is so much to know about our Mother Earth and without hydrography it will not be possible. Warm wishes on World Hydrography Day to you.

All human beings need to get familiar with Earth’s components and hence this day is celebrated to make people aware of the importance of hydrography.

The day honors hydrographers’ efforts and raises awareness about the vital importance of hydrography in people’s lives.

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